Dr Dominique DARDEVET

Dr Dominique DARDEVET

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L’évolution démographique s’est traduite par un vieillissement progressif des populations. L'une des caractéristiques du vieillissement est la sarcopénie qui est une perte involontaire et physiologique de la masse et de la fonction musculaire. Elle touche tous les individus âgés, y compris les sujets en bonne santé et est considérée comme l'un des principaux facteurs d'incapacité et de morbidité chez les personnes âgées.
La sarcopénie est une altération physiologique dont les causes sont multifactorielles: malnutrition/dénutrition, diminution de l'activité physique, inflammation à bas bruit, stress oxydant,obésité mais aussi à des modifications des réponses adaptatives à l' environnement et à la récupération de l'homéostasie suite à une incident de vie ou une pathologie.
Mon projet de recherche est de  comprendre, ralentir et limiter cette perte musculaire au cours du vieillissement avec comme objectif d'élaborer des stratégies nutritionnelles adaptées et optimisées aux capacité de réponses des séniors et en complément du maintien de l'activité physique et de la médication.


  • Tremblay-Franco M , N Poupin, A Amiel, C Canlet, D Rémond, L Debrauwer, D Dardevet, F Jourdan  I Savary-Auzeloux, S Polakof. Postprandial NMR-based metabolic exchanges reflect impaired phenotypic flexibility across splanchnic organs in the obese Yucatan minipig.  Nutrients 2020
  • Peyron M.-A., V. Santé-Lhoutellier, D. Dardevet, M. Hennequin,, D. Rémond, O. François, A. Woda  Adressing various challenges related to food bolus and nutrition with the mastication simulator AM2. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020  
  • Poupin N, M Tremblay-Franco, A Amiel, C Canlet, D Rémond, L Debrauwer, D Dardevet, I Thiele, MK. Aurich, F Jourdan, I Savary-Auzeloux, S Polakof Arterio-venous NMR-based metabolomics exploration reveals major changes across liver and intestine in the obese minipig  Scientific Reports 2019
  • Le Bacquer O, Combe K, Patrac V, Ingram B, Combaret L, Dardevet D, Montaurier C, Salles J, Giraudet C, Guillet C, Sonenberg N, Boirie Y, Walrand S. 4E-BP1 and 4E-BP2 double knockout mice are protected from aging-associated sarcopenia. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2019
  • Mohamed AB, D Rémond, C Chambon, T Sayd, M Hebraud, F Capel, B Cohade, N Hafnaoui, D Bechet, C Coudy-Gandilhon, C Migné, J David, D Dardevet, J Doré, S Polakof, I Savary-Auzeloux.    A mix of dietary fibers improves lipids handling by the liver of overfed minipigs.  J Nutr Biochem. 2019
  • Mosoni L, M Jarzaguet, J David, S Polakof, I Savary-Auzeloux, D Rémond, D Dardevet. Post meal energy boluses do not increase the duration of muscle protein synthesis stimulation in two anabolic resistant situations. Nutrients 2019
  • Savary-Auzeloux I., Mohamed A.B., Cohade B., Dardevet D., David J., Hafnaoui N., Migne  C. , Pujos-Guillot E., Rémond D.1, Polakof S. Profound Changes in Net Energy and Nitrogen Metabolites Fluxes within the Splanchnic Area during Overfeeding of Yucatan Mini Pigs That Remain Euglycemic. Nutrients. 2019
  • David J, D Dardevet; L Mosoni; I Savary-Auzeloux; S Polakof Impaired skeletal muscle branched-chain amino acids catabolism contributes to their increased circulating levels in a non-obese insulin resistant fructose-fed rat model. Nutrients,  2019
  • Jarzaguet M, Polakof S, David J, Migné C, Joubrel G, Efstathiou T, Rémond D, Mosoni  L and Dardevet D . A meal with mixed soy/whey proteins is as efficient as a whey meal in counteracting the aged-related muscle anabolic resistance only if protein content and leucine levels are increased. Food Funct. 2018
  • Polakof S, D Rémond, J David, D Dardevet, I Savary-Auzeloux. Time-course changes in circulating branched-chain amino acid levels and metabolism in obese Yucatan minipig? Nutrition 2018
  • Zeng Y, J David, D Rémond, D Dardevet, I Savary-Auzeloux, S Polakof. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells metabolism adapted acutely to the postprandial transition and reflected mainly the adipose tissue metabolic adaptations to a high fat fed diet in minipigs. Nutrients, 2018
  • Polakof S; D Rémond; A Bernalier-Donadille; M Rambeau; E Pujos-Guillot; B Comte; D Dardevet;  Savary-Auzeloux.  Metabolic adaptations to HFHS overfeeding: How whole body and tissues postprandial metabolic flexibility adapt in Yucatan mini-pigs" European Journal of Nutrition
  • Xia Z, Cholewa JM, Dardevet D, Huang T, Zhao Y, Shang H, Yang Y, Ding X, Zhang C, Wang H, Liu S, Su Q, Zanchi NE. Effects of oat protein supplementation on skeletal muscle damage, inflammation and performance recovery following downhill running in untrained collegiate men. Food Funct. 2018
  • Pujos-Guillot E, Brandolini-Bunlon M, Fouillet H, Joly C, Martin JF, Huneau JF, Dardevet D, Mariotti F. Metabolomics Reveals that the Type of Protein in a High-Fat Meal Modulates Postprandial Mitochondrial Overload and Incomplete Substrate Oxidation in Healthy Overweight Men. J Nutr. 2018
  • Bidu C, S Bellenger, A Spor, M Galan, A Geissler, D Dardevet, B Morio-LiondorE, Cani, L Lagrost, M Narce, J Bellenger. The transplantation of w3 PUFA-altered gut microbiota of fat-1 mice to wild-type littermates prevents obesity and associated metabolic disorders. Diabetes 2018 
  • Dardevet D, Mosoni L, David J, Polakof S. Fructose Feeding during the Postabsorptive State Alters Body Composition and Spares Nitrogen in Protein-Energy-Restricted Old Rats. J Nutr. 2018
  • Gatineau E,  Cluzet S,  Krisa S, Papet I,   Migné C,   Rémond D,  Dardevet D,  Polakof S,  Richard T  and Mosoni L. Effect of nutritional state, aging and high chronic intake of sucrose on brain protein synthesis in rats, Modulation by rutin and other micronutrients. Food Funct , 2018
  • Gatineau E, S Cluzet, S Krizac, I Papet C Migné, D Rémond, D Dardevet, S Polakof, T Richard, L Mosoni.  Effect of high chronic intake of sucrose on liver metabolism in aging rats. Modulation by rutin and micronutrients. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018. 
  • Polakof S, D Rémond, J David, D Dardevet, I Savary-Auzeloux. Time-course changes in circulating branched-chain amino acid levels and metabolism in obese Yucatan minipig? Nutrition, 2018
  • Verney J, Martin V, Ratel S, Chavanelle V, Bargetto M, Etienne M, Chaplais E, Le Ruyet P, Bonhomme C, Combaret L, Guillet C, Boisseau N, Sirvent P, Dardevet D.  Soluble Milk Proteins Improve Muscle Mass Recovery after Immobilization-Induced Muscle Atrophy in Old Rats but Do not Improve Muscle Functional Property Restoration. J Nutr Health Aging.2017
  • Revel A, Jarzaguet M, Peyron MA, Papet I, Hafnaoui N, Migné C, Mosoni L, Polakof S, Savary-Auzeloux I, Rémond D, Dardevet D.At same leucine intake, a whey/plant protein blend is not as effective as whey to initiate a transient post prandial muscle anabolic response during a catabolic state in mini pigs. PLoS One. 2017
  • Barquissau V, Capel F, Dardevet D, Feillet-Coudray C, Gallinier A, Chauvin MA, Rieusset J, Morio B. Reactive oxygen species enhance mitochondrial function, insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle of senescence accelerated prone mice SAMP8. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017 
  • Buffière C, C Gaudichon, N Hafnaoui, C Migné, V Scislowsky, N Khodorova, L Mosoni, A Blot, Y Boirie, D Dardevet, V Santé-Lhoutellier, D Rémond In the elderly, meat protein assimilation from rare meat is lower than that from meat that is well done.. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.2017
  • Mast C., C. Pourpre, G. Voyard , D. Rémond, C. Migné, D. Centeno, D. Dardevet, I. Savary-Auzeloux  and I. Papet. Dietary supplementation with cysteine prevents adverse metabolic outcomes of repeated cures with paracetamol in old rats. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017
  • Kraft G, KC. Coate, J Winnick, D Dardevet, PE. Donahue, AD. Cherrington, PE. Williams and MC Moore. Glucagon’s effect on liver protein metabolism in vivo. American Journal of Physiology. 2017
  • Chavanelle V, N Boisseau, YF Otero, L Combaret, D Dardevet, C Montaurier, G Delcros, S Peltier, P Sirvent Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on glycaemic control and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in db/db mice. Scientific Reports, 2017
  • Mast C, Savary-Auzeloux I, Rémond D, Pouyet C, Centeno D, Voyard G, Combaret L, Dardevet D & Papet I. RRepeated cures with paracetamol worsen sarcopenia in old rats with suboptimal food intake. J Physiol Pharmacol 2016
  • Polakof S, D Dardevet, M Larquier, L Mosoni,  E Gatineau, JF Martin, E Pujos-Guillot, A Mazur, B Comte The time course of molecular and metabolic events in the development of insulin resistance in fructose-fed rats. J Proteome Res. 2016 
  • Polakof S; D Rémond; A Bernalier-Donadille; M Rambeau; E Pujos-Guillot; B Comte; D Dardevet; I Savary-Auzeloux.  Metabolic adaptations to HFHS overfeeding: How whole body and tissues postprandial metabolic flexibility adapt in Yucatan mini-pigs" European Journal of Nutrition, 2016 
  • Caillaud K, N Boisseau,  G Ennequin, V Chavanelle, M Etienne, X Li, P Denis, D Dardevet, A Lacampagne, P Sirvent. Neuregulin1 improves glucose tolerance in adult and aged rats. Diabetes and Metabolism, 2016
  • Pouget M, M Peyrot, P Denis, J Vuichoud, D Dardevet, K Vidal, D Breuillé, I Papet. Long-term dietary supplementation with cystathionine improves tissue glutathione in ageing rats. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.2016
  • Polakof S, D Rémond, M Rambeau, E Pujos-Guillot, JL Sébédio, D Dardevet, B Comte, I Savary-Auzeloux. New insights from plasma metabolomics to characterize kinetically postprandial events: a mini-pig model. Metabolomics 2015
  • Mast C, B Lyan, C Joly, D Centeno, Giacomoni F, JF Martin, L Mosoni, D Dardevet, E Pujos-Guillot, I Papet.  Assessment of protein alterations in liver of rats under chronic treatment with paracetamol (acetaminophen) using two complementary mass spectrometry-based metabolomic approaches. J Proteomics.
  • Gatineau E, I savary-Auzeloux, C Migné, S Polakof, D Dardevet, L Mosoni. Chronic intake of sucrose accelerates sarcopenia in rats through alterations in insulin sensitivity and muscle protein synthesis. J Nutr. 2015
  • Slimani  L, E Vazeille , C Deval , B Meunier , C Polge , D Dardevet , D Béchet, D Taillandier , D Micol , A Listrat , D Attaix , L Combaret The induction of Sparc and β-catenin is associated with a temporal regulation of myogenic factors in rat muscle during post-immobilization recovery. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2015
  • Buffière C,  F Mariotti,  I Savary-Auzeloux,  C Migné, S Hercberg, N Cano,  D Rémond, M Duclos and D Dardevet Healthy old men with slight elevation of C Reactive Protein have lower global physical performances but similar fasting and postprandial muscle protein metabolism. Journal of Physiology-London, 2015
  • Gallot Y, AC Durieux, J Castells, B Vernus, L Plantureux, E Lefai, D Dardevet, D Rémond L Schaeffer, G Nemoz, A Bonnieu and D Freyssenet. Myostatin gene inactivation induces resistance to skeletal muscle loss and increases survival in mouse models of cancer cachexia. Cancer Research  2014
  • Mosoni  L, Gatineau  E, Gatellier  P, Migné  C, Savary-Auzeloux  I, Rocher E,  Rémond D and Dardevet  D High protein intake delayed the loss of lean body mass in healthy old rats, whereas protein type and polyphenol / antioxidant supplementation had no effects. PlosOne, 2014
  • Mast C, C Joly, I Savary-Auzeloux, D Rémond, D Dardevet, I Papet Skeletal muscle wasting occurs in adult rats chronically treated with paracetamol (acetaminophen) when GSH-dependent detoxification is highly activated. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2014
  • Magne, H ;  Savary-Auzeloux, I ; Migné, C;  Peyron, MA ; Combaret, L ; Mosoni L., Rémond, D and Dardevet, D. During ageing, unilateral casting induced a generalized muscle mass loss during rehabilitation prevented by a whey or a high protein diet but not a free leucine. PlosOne, 2013
  • Martin V, S Ratel, J Siracusa, P. LERUYET,  I Savary-Auzeloux, L Combaret, C Guillet and  D Dardevet. Leucine-rich proteins are more efficient than casein in the recovery of muscle functional properties following a casting induced muscle atrophy. PlosOne,, 2013
  • Polakof S, ME Diaz-Rubio, D Dardevet, JF Martin, E Pujos-Guillot, A Scalbert, JL Sebedio, A Mazur, and B Comte Resistant starch intake partly restores metabolic and inflammatory alterations in the liver of high-fat diet fed rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2013
  • Savary-Auzeloux  I,  Magne H,  Migné C. Oberli  M, Breuilé D., Faure  M., Vidal K, Perrot P, Combaret L, Rémond D and Dardevet D. A sequential dietary supplementation in leucine and antioxidants accelerates muscle mass recovery after immobilization in adult rats. PlosOne, 2013,
    Bax ML; C Buffière; N Hafnaoui; C Gaudichon; I Savary-Auzeloux; D Dardevet; Vé Santé-Lhoutellier; D Rémond. "Effects of meat cooking, and of ingested amount, on protein digestion speed and entry of residual proteins into the colon: a study in minipig. ". PlosOne,2013


Parcours et Eléments de CV

Parcours professionnel :
- 1990 : "Exchange Student" à Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), Prof. MG Buse, Charleston, USA
- 1994-2006 : Chargé de Recherche 2ème classe à l'Unité d'Etude du Métabolisme Azoté - INRA Clermont-Theix
2002-2004 : Chercheur détaché pendant 3 ans à Vanderbilt University, Department of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Prof. AD Cherrington, Nashville, USA
- 2006 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Université Clermont-Fd I) 
- 2006-2011 : Directeur de Recherche et Responsable de l’équipe “Nutrition et Signaux Protéiques (NSP)” puis de l'équipe "Nutrition, Métabolismes, Masse Musculaire (NuTriM)" à Unité de Nutrition Humaine UMR 1019. 
2016 : Directeur Adjoint de l’Unité de Nutrition Humaine, UMR 1019  Clermont-Theix

Activités complémentaires :
- Personne compétente au près des comités d’experts spécialisés de l’ANSES (2009-)
- Membre de l’Editorial Board de « Nutrition Research Reviews »  UK, (depuis 2006)

Implications dans les Projets Nationaux :
- 2006-2009 : ANR «Compalimage» : Comportements alimentaires et qualité du vieillissement. Rôle du statut inflammatoire, du stress oxydant, de l’insulino-résistance et de certains facteurs génétiques
2007-2010 : ANR «SurProl» : Impact métabolique et fonctionnel de la consommation de fractions protéiques laitières chez la personne en surpoids
2008-2010 : ANR «Lipage» : Lipides alimentaires et réaction inflammatoire : implication dans le développement de l’obésité sarcopénique
2010-2013 : ANR « Pronutrial » : Impact des procédés technologiques sur le potentiel nutritionnel des protéines carnées
2020-2022 : Institut Carnot «Fragi-Biote» : Elaboration d’un modèle rongeur avec un microbiote humain âgé permettant de tester des stratégies interventionnelles individualisées au cours du vieillissement
2017-2018 : Institut Carnot « Strepinflamm » : Développement d’un aliment fonctionnel à base de Streptococcus thermophilus pour lutter contre l’inflammation intestinale chez l'âgé
2013-2015 : Institut Carnot «ProVeg : Optimisation de l’Utilisation des Protéines d’Origine Végétale dans le Maintien et la Préservation du Statut Musculaire