Fardet Anthony

Chargé de Mission
Chargé de recherche

Domaine de recherche : Alimentation préventive, durable et holistique - Degré de transformation des aliments et santé globale

Mes 5 publications favorites

  • A. Fardet, S. Gold, A. Delgado, N. Kopsahelis, V. Kachrimanidou, L. Kaur, F. Galli, E. Rock (16 January, 2024). How can food processing achieve food and nutrition security? Sustainable Development, Ahead of print/early view: https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2899
  • L. Lebredonchel, A. Fardet (6th December, 2022). How French children food representations and tastes vary according to their social backgrounds: a study of disparities in food habitus. Health Sociology Review, 32(2), 213-227
  • A. Fardet, K. Aubrun, H. Sundaramoorthy, E. Rock (10th November, 2022). Nutrition transition and chronic diseases in India (1990–2019): an ecological study based on animal and processed food caloric intake and adequacy according to nutrient needs. Sustainability, 14(22), 14861
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock (24th January, 2021). Chronic diseases are first associated with the degradation and artificialization of food matrices rather than with food composition: calorie quality matters more than calorie quantity. European Journal of Nutrition, 61, 2239-2253
  • A. Fardet, L. Lebredonchel, E. Rock (8th September, 2021). Empirico-inductive and/or hypothetico-deductive methods in food science and nutrition research: which one to favour for a better global health? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(15), 2480-2493