Dr Cécile Gladine

Dr Cécile Gladine

Chargé de recherche (PhD)

Activité de recherche

Dr. Cécile Gladine is a researcher at the Human Nutrition Department of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAe) who brings expertise in clinical nutrition, animal and cell culture experimentation, analytical biochemistry especially focused on the MS-based lipidomic profiling of oxylipins. Dr Gladine is applying these tools to investigate the relationships between diet, oxylipins and human health with a special emphasis given to cardiometabolic health and inflammatory related-diseases as well as the interindividual variability in the oxylipin metabolism.


2017-2020 : JPI HDHL OXYGENATE (PI, 721 k€, EU cofunded grant, 6 partners) aiming at uncovering and validating the oxylipin signature reflecting cardiometabolic health and its relationships with diet, https://www6.inra.fr/jpi-hdhl-biomarkers-oxygenate

2013-2014: Lipid Nutrition Foundation grant & INRA grant (PI, 20 k€, 3 partners) aiming at investigating the impact of oxylipins on inflammatory response and polarization of human macrophages.

2014-2016: Linoprostanes project supported by the French Institute of Excellence P.I.V.E.R.T (2million €, 6 partners) leader of task 4.3: “Biological activity of plant derived oxylipins: phytoprostanes & phytofurans”).

2009-2011: INRA-Priority Action Project (PI, 140 k€, INRA funding, 5 partners) aiming at determining the contribution of oxylipins in the atheroprotective effects of omega-3 FA.

2006-2009: EU project Optim’Oils « Valorisation of healthy lipid micronutrients by optimising food processing of edible oils and fats (FP6-2005-FOOD 36318, 2.7 million €, 14 partners) leader of task 4.4 “Human dietary intervention”.


  • Gladine C, Ostermann AI, Newman JW and Schebb NH (2019). MS-based targeted metabolomics of eicosanoids and other oxylipins: analytical and inter-individual variabilities. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 144, 72-89.
  • Dalle C, Ostermann AI, Konrad T, Coudy-Gandilhon C, Decourt A, Barthélémy JC, Roche F, Féasson L, Mazur A, Béchet D, Schebb NH and Gladine C (2018). Muscle loss associated changes of oxylipin signatures during biological aging: an exploratory study from the PROOF cohort. Journal of Gerontology. Serie A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 74, 608-608-615.
  • Bosviel R, Joumard-Cubizolles L, Chinetti-Gbaguidi G, Bayle D, Copin C, Hennuyer N, Duplan I, Staels B, Zanoni G, Porta A, Balas L, Galano JM, Oger C, Mazur A, Durand T and Gladine C (2017). DHA-derived oxylipins, neuroprostanes and protectins, differentially and dose-dependently modulate the inflammatory response in human macrophages: Putative mechanisms through PPAR activation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine.103:146-154
  • Gladine C, Zmojdzian M, Joumard-Cubizolles L, Verny MA, Comte B, Mazur A. The omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid favorably modulates the inflammatory pathways and macrophage polarization within aorta of LDLR-/- mice. Genes&Nutr. 2014, 9, 5:424, DOI: 10.1007/s12263-014-0424-4
  • Galano JM, Lee JCY, Gladine C, Comte B, Le Guennec JY, Oger C, Durand T. Oxygenated cyclic metabolites of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and adrenic acid: Biomarkers and second messengers of oxidative stress. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014: S1388-1981(14)00232-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2014.11.004.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2008-2009: Post-doctoral research at the AgResearch Institute (Palmerston North, NZ), Food Nutrition Genomic team (Dr Nicole Roy)
  • 2003-2006: Ph.D. in Nutrition, Metabolism and Biochemistry, University School of Medicine, Clermont-Ferrand, France (French Research Ministry grant)
  • 2002-2003: M.Sc. in Nutrition and Food Sciences, University School of Medicine, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • 2001-2002: M.Sc. in Nutrition of Developing Countries, University School of Sciences, Montpellier, France
  • 1998-2001: B.Sc. Applied Biosciences and Chemistry, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Date de création : 27 novembre 2023 | Rédaction : COM